How to import Excel System Structure in MADE?



MADE allows importing system structure in tabular format. This KBAs provides a step-by-step guideline to import data from .xls, xlsx and .csv files.


Within a created MADE project you can import data in tabular format from Excel.

Please refer to the Related Articles section to learn more about the data structure.

  • Step 1: Open the “Import Wizard” from the File menu

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  • Step 2: Locate the input file on your computer and select the “Model Configuration” then click “Next”

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  • Step 3: Review imported items structure, you can convert Components to Parts and vice versa, then click “Next”

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  • Step 4: You can link elements from MADE’s Palette or Libraries to the Imported Model Items, then click on “Next”

  • Step 5: Finally, you must link the Imported Model Items to the Current Project Items, then click “Finish”

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Now that you have imported the elements described in your Excel file, you can start modeling their functions and failures.

KB Article ID# KB000133740_EN_US



Associated Components