When a user is done using an application on a client machine, the license used by the software should automatically return to the license pool on the server as soon as the user closes the application. However, there are instances in which the license feature gets stuck on the client and fails to return to the server even when the user has closed the application. This article provides detailed instructions on how to forcibly release a license feature that is still stuck on a client machine back to the license pool on the server after the user has closed their application on the client and is no longer using the license. This solution is restricted to FlexLM and saltd vendor daemon..
cd C:\Program Files\Siemens\License Server
Or using the license file path
lmutil lmstat -a -c license_file_path
For the license file path, go the location of the license file on the license server, right click on the license file, copy as path and add it to the “lmutil lmstat -a -c …” command as shown below.
lmutil lmstat -a -c "C:\ProgramData\Siemens\License Server\ActiveLicenses\ugslmd.lic"
lmutil lmstat -f license_feature -c port_ number@server_hostname
lmutil lmstat -f FloMASTERdyna_c -c 29000@server_100
Or using the license file path
lmutil lmstat -f license_feature -c license_file_path
lmutil lmstat -f FloMASTERdyna_c -c "C:\ProgramData\Siemens\License Server\ActiveLicenses\ugslmd.lic"
[Detecting lmgrd processes...]
License server status: port_ number@server_hostname
License file(s) on server_hostname: license_file_path(s):
server_hostname: license server UP (MASTER) v11.19.0
server_hostname: license server UP v11.19.0
Vendor daemon status (on server_hostname):
vendor daemon_1: UP v11.19.0
Feature usage info:
vendor daemon_2: UP v11.19.0
Feature usage info:
vendor daemon_3: UP v11.19.0
Feature usage info:
Users of license_feature: (Total of xx licenses issued; Total of x license in use)
"license_feature" v2029.010, vendor: vendor_daemon_x, expiry: dd-month-year
floating license
my_username client_hostname client_hostname_display (v_release) (server_hostname/port_number handle), start checkout_weekday checkout_month/checkout_day checkout_time
[Detecting lmgrd processes...]
License server status: 29000@server_100
License file(s) on server_100: C:\ProgramData\Siemens\License
Server\ActiveLicenses\mgcld.lic:C:\ProgramData\Siemens\License Server\ActiveLicenses\ugslmd.lic:
server_100: license server UP (MASTER) v11.19.0
server_100: license server UP v11.19.0
Vendor daemon status (on server_100):
saltd: UP v11.19.0
Feature usage info:
ugslmd: UP v11.19.0
Feature usage info:
mgcld: UP v11.19.0
Feature usage info:
Users of FloMASTERdyna_c: (Total of 10 licenses issued; Total of 1 license in use)
"FloMASTERdyna_c" v2029.010, vendor: mgcld, expiry: 28-nov-2029
floating license
jane_doe jdpc jdpc0.0 (v2023.10) (server_100/29000 305), start Fri 6/20 15:24
lmutil lmremove -c 29000@server_100 -h FloMASTERdyna_c server_100 29000 305
lmutil lmremove -c 29000@ server_100 FloMASTERdyna_c jane_doe jdpc jdpc0.0