Simcenter STAR-CCM+ Bottle Motion Meshless DEM

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Simulate bottle motion and measure the velocity and position of bottles with respect to time. Meshless DEM is unique physics to model the DEM particles without meshing. Complex geometry motions can be modelled with ease. Polyhedral particles are useful to create any complex shape replicate as DEM particles


  • This demo case illustrates the motion of bottles in conveyer setup using meshless DEM approach
  • Objective is to simulate bottle motion and measure the velocity and position of bottles with respect to time. Version of Code used: Simcenter STAR-CCM+ V2306
  • Surrounded walls are set to outlet.


  • Since it is a meshless approach, no requirement of mesh.
  • We need to prepare the geometry for simulation.
  • Though it’s a meshless method, In the background it generates a single volume cell for whole region.

Physics Setup : Meshless DEM

  • Bottle shape is created using Polyhedral particle, properties as shown, moment of inertia scaling is important to model empty bottle or partial filled or filled bottle, accordingly we have to scale in all directions.

Multiphase Interactions

  • Multiphase interactions has to set between bottle-bottle and bottle and other boundaries.

Boundary Conditions

  • outlet boundary condition is specified at side walls
  • Relative velocity is set for the boundaries as shown to simulate the conveyor effect.


Injector settings

  • Particle flow rate set to 10/s
  • Particle diameter to 50mm
  • Particle orientation to (0, 90, 0) deg


Solver settings

  • Unsteady time step = 0.01 sec
  • DEM and Lagrangian settings can be set to default
  • Inner iteration = 1
  • Physical time = 6 sec



  • Meshless DEM is unique physics to model the DEM particles without meshing
  • Complex geometry  motions can be modelled with ease
  • Polyhedral particles are useful to create any complex shape replicate as DEM particles
  • Moment of inertia scaling is helpful to control the bottle motion
  • We can also include particle wall link model in phase interactions to attach the particle to any wall boundary

KB Article ID# KB000133269_EN_US



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Simcenter STAR-CCM+ Clients