Teamcenter Share Connector Synchronization Issue for Specific File Types

Share Functions


In this article, we will learn about to how to fix synchronization issues in connector for specifc file types


Issue Description:

A user can drag and drop the files to a project successfully. But, when tries to download them from the local connector folder, some kind of file types (*.dat, *.bat) doesn't get downloaded.

The log file says: DEBUG: [DateTime] Skipped processing new file Common.bat on cloud since it contains an extension that does match the monitored types DEBUG: [DateTime] Skipped processing new file nxenv.dat on cloud since it contains an extension that does match the monitored types

In order to enable those files to sync to disk, follow the below steps:

  • From the Connector icon in the Windows system tray, right mouse button and click on Settings.
  • In the Settings dialog click "Select Software Domains".
  • In the software domains dialog scroll to the bottom and check the box for "Unclassified".
  • Click ok on both dialogs.
  • After closing the dialogs the files will download shortly.


KB Article ID# KB000133036_EN_US



Associated Components

Desktop Connector