Change the SmartPCB properties in a FLOEFD project



Usually, the SmartPCB is located under the "From Components" features in a project, so any changes on the SmartPCB have to be performed in the subproject instead of the in the main project. This article explains the alternatives to do this.


There are two ways to edit the Smart PCB properties when it is added as a subproject, for example, when the Smart PCB is transferred to FLOEFD using the EDA Import tool.

Option 1: Edit the subproject, maintaining the Smart PCB as a separate project.

In this case, the Smart PCB is located under the "From Components" features. When a user right-clicks on the Smart PCB, the option to "View..." or "Show" the Smart PCB are available however, there is no option to "Edit" it, this is because the user is not in the component (Smart PCB) level project.

To edit the Smart PCB, the next steps can be followed:

  • Open the Smart PCB subproject (right click Smart PCB-> Open project)

  • The Smart PCB subproject will open in another window of the CAD software interface. Here, the Smart PCB feature is located in the top-level project, so you can edit the properties by right-clicking on the feature and selecting "Edit Definition":

  • Save the Smart PCB subproject and return to the main project. The way to return to the top project depend on every FLOEFD/CAD version, for example, when using FLOEFD for NX, the user can return to the main project by using the "Windows" dropdown menu located at the top of the FLOEFD window (in this example, the top project is "beaglebone" and the Smart PCB subproject is "BeagleBoneodb")


  • In the top-level project, update the Smart PCB subproject by right-clicking on the subproject name and clicking "Update"

By doing this, the Smart PCB feature in the top-level project will be updated with the changes made.

Option 2: Move the Smart PCB feature to the top project

If the Smart PCB feature doesn't want to be maintained in a separate sub project, then this feature can be moved to the top-level project by right-clicking on the Smart PCB feature name and selecting "Move to project"

This action will automatically suppress the Smart PCB feature located under the "From Components" and will activate the Smart PCB in the top-level project. Since the Smart PCB is now located in the top-level project, the properties can be changed directly by right-clicking on the project name and selecting the "Edit Definition" option.

KB Article ID# KB000132659_EN_US



Associated Components