Dashboard Designer / Server Error



Assisting with troubleshooting an error message encountered while accessing Dashboard Designer.


This article aims to assist you in resolving any issues you may encounter while accessing the Dashboard Designer application and its dashboards. It will also guide you on how to seek additional support if needed.


Error Message Accessing Dashboard Designer:

Dashboard Designer / Server Error
Sadly something went wrong
Error details
Access denied
Server Error
The user does not have permissions to access to Dashboard Designer.
If you continue to see this message after logging out and logging back in, please contact support at support.sw.siemens.com



Proper assignment of roles is necessary for accessing Dashboard Designer.

  1. Please ensure that the user has the necessary roles assigned in the Settings Application:
  2. If the user has been assigned the appropriate roles, please proceed to the next section.


The user has been assigned the required Dashboard Designer roles in the Settings application.

  1. The following steps is intended for an administrative user.
  2. The user's roles have been confirmed in the Settings application.
  3. Check in the Dashboard Designer application to ensure that the user is appearing correctly.
  4. In Dashboard Designer, navigate to the "Configuration" menu and select the "Users" option:
  5. Check if the user account is listed:
  6. Please refer to the following sections depending on whether the user account appears or not.


The user account does not appear in Dashboard Designer.

  1. If the user has the proper role and the user account does not appear in the Dashboard Designer application
  2. Please ask the user to open the Dashboard Designer application on their Launchpad.
  3. Once the user performs this action, it will initiate the synchronization of user accounts.
  4. The user account should now be visible in the "Users" menu of the "Configuration". Please refer to the previous section for navigation instructions.
  5. If the issue persists, please refer to the following section for further assistance.


The user account is visible, and the issue persists.
The user account is still missing after following the steps above.
A different error is being encountered.

  1. To receive further assistance, please open a support case in the Support Center.
  2. Please make sure to include details such as the tenant's name, user account, and any relevant dashboard links when opening the support case.

KB Article ID# KB000132283_EN_US



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