How does Simcenter STAR-CCM+ interpolate data in Laminar Flame Speed (LFS) data that users provide through a table file?
Laminar Flame Speed (LFS) is a critical input for combustion models in Simcenter STAR-CCM+, such as ECFM-3Z, ECFM-CLEH, CC-TFC, and the ISSIM ignition model. LFS can be determined in two ways:
In regards to the data source from LFS table, Simcenter STAR-CCM+ retrives and interpolates the LFS data from the table file based on the order it is stored in the file to determine the appropriate LFS value. Simcenter STAR-CCM+ essentially performs multi-dimensional reduction for the linear interpolation, which follows the order of the data stored in the LFS table file. The order of the multi-dimensional reduction for the linear interpolation has been hard-coded into the software; therefore users will not be able to change the order of the interpolation. So if the data in the LFS table file is stored in a different order, the retrieval and the order of the multi-dimensional reduction for the linear interpolation of the data will follow that order. The developers of Simcenter STAR-CCM+ confirmed that the interpolated LFS value hypothetically should be the same regardless the order of the data in the table file. A useful resource from the Wikepedia: Bilinear Interpolation confirms it:
The result of bilinear interpolation is independent of which axis is interpolated first and which second. If we had first performed the linear interpolation in the y direction and then in the x direction, the resulting approximation would be the same.
So what does Simcenter STAR-CCM+ do when one of the four independent variables, e.g., unburnt gas temperature, is beyond the range of the data in the LFS table file? Simcenter STAR-CCM+ will use the near MIN/MAX data for the interpolation. So if the unburnt gas temperature of a computational cell is 4000K and the data in the table file for independent variable: unburnt gas temperature is ranging from 300K to 2800K, Simcenter STAR-CCM+ will use the value 2800K to perform the multi-dimensional interpolation to obtain the LFS value for that computational cell.