Teamcenter Share Connector Issues - Frequently Asked Questions

Share Functions


In this article, we have listed a few questions/information that the users or the support engineers frequently ask for investigation


Q: Where can I download the latest Installer for Siemens Connector?

A: Latest Connector Installer can be downloaded from the Web Application.

The production installer can be downloaded from the Teamcenter Share. It is released every three months, First released in October 2021 (TRX22). When you already have the connector installed, it gives the below pop up on every new release:

Connector differentiates pre-production and production environment based on the variable:
To work with pre-production, the user needs to set the environment variable SAAS_GATEWAY_ZEUS_ENVIRONMENT=testing

Q: How to Setup and Configure Connector?


  • Local Folder - Connector location
  • Projects - Select required projects to sync with the cloud
  • Software Domains - Select the required file types to sync with the cloud

Q: How to fetch connector logs?

A: Please refer to this article to understand how to fetch diagnostic and crash logs for the connector.

Q: How to check the connector version?

A: Go to Control Panel\All Control Panel Items\Programs and Features and check here for the version:


KB Article ID# KB000132188_EN_US



Associated Components

Desktop Connector