Traceability session failed due to duplicate key - IoT analytics



In IoT Analytics , encountering a "duplicate key value" error in the traceability workflow can disrupt operations. This article provides a step-by-step guide to resolving this issue effectively.


Follow these steps to address the "duplicate key value" error in the traceability workflow:

Here is a technical article outlining the steps to solve an issue in an IoT Analytics product where the traceability workflow failed due to a "duplicate key value" error:


In IoT Analytics systems, encountering a "duplicate key value" error in the traceability workflow can disrupt operations. This article provides a step-by-step guide to resolving this issue effectively.

Solution Steps

Follow these steps to address the "duplicate key value" error in the traceability workflow:

  1. Identify the Failed Session ID:
    • Execute the SQL query: select * from dms.t_session where session_id=’Put failed session id here’.
  1. Access DMS Workspace:
    • Open the DMS workspace from your client.
    • Click on the "Runtime Server Monitor" button in the top menu.
  1. Pause Discoverer Agent:
    • Locate the Discoverer agent and click the "Pause" button to halt its operations temporarily.
  1. Query Failed/Broken Sessions:
    • Run the SQL query to identify failed/broken sessions:
    • select * from dms.t_session where session_state in ('Broken','Failed') and (session_key like '1_2024%' or session_key like '1_2023%' or session_key like '1_2022%')
  1. Create Temporary Table:
    • If there are failed/broken sessions, create a temporary table (tem_session) using the appropriate query.
  1. Delete Failed/Broken Sessions:
    • Remove the failed/broken sessions from relevant tables:
    • delete from dms.t_session_jobplan_run where session_id in (select session_id from tem_session);
    • delete from dms.t_session_affected_rows where session_id in (select session_id from tem_session);
    • delete from dms.t_session_jobplan where session_id in (select session_id from tem_session);
    • delete from dms.t_session_parameter where session_id in (select session_id from tem_session);
    • delete from dms.t_session where session_id in (select session_id from tem_session);
  1. Run Discoverer Again:
    • After completing the above steps, restart the Discoverer and verify if the broken sessions have recovered.


KB Article ID# KB000131797_EN_US



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