How do you assign meshes (from Simcenter Flotherm XT) in Simcenter FLOEFD?



How do you assign local meshes (from Simcenter Flotherm XT) in Simcenter FLOEFD?


 Although Simcenter FLOEFD uses the same refining rectangular mesh as Simcenter Flotherm XT, you get more manual control over the mesh in FLOEFD.

The Mesh Control options in Flotherm XT are covered under the Global Mesh in FLOEFD. The Automatic setting has just one slider that controls how fine the mesh will be. Switching to Manual reveals additional options that are similar to the automatic refinement features in Flotherm XT.


Simcenter Flotherm XT Mesh ControlSimcenter FLOEFD Global Mesh
The basic mesh (no refinement) can be changed by selecting Specify Base Mesh and entering the cell count.The base can be adjusted by entering the cell count under Basic Mesh. The button to the right of the entry box can be used to change from number of cells to size of cells. Keep Aspect Ratio can be enabled to maintain the aspect ratio when changing the cells in one coordinate direction.
Auto Minimum Solid Feature Size attempts to automatically detect the smallest solid feature and capture it with mesh refinement. A scaling factor can be applied.The slider for Small Solid Refinement Level under Automatic Refinement determines the maximum levels of refinement that FLOEFD will use to attempt to capture small solid features.
Auto Minimum Channel Size attempts to automatically detect the smallest channel and capture it with mesh refinement. Narrow Channel will increase the number of cells across the channels. A scaling factor can be applied.The options under the Channel determines the level of refinement used for channels, number of cells across, and which channels to refine. You can read more about these options in the Channels Resolution section of the User Guide.
Close Small Gaps automatically fills in gaps below the defined threshold.Close Thin Slots automatically fills in gaps below the defined threshold.
...There are also two additional automatic refinement methods in FLOEFD, which are Curvature refinement and Tolerance refinement. You can read more about these options in the Resolve the Interface Between Substances section of the User Guide.


In Simcenter Flotherm XT, you can assign local meshes directly in the geometric parts that require additional meshing. In Simcenter FLOEFD, the process is a little different. A Local Mesh is first created then assigned to the geometric parts that it will act on. You have full control over how the mesh is generated in the local mesh region. The local mesh in FLOEFD contains the same options as the global mesh with the exception of 2 additional refinement options. Under Refining Cells, 3 sliders that allow manual refinement of Solid Cells, Fluid/Solid Interface Cells, and Fluid Cells (if fluid flow is enabled). All cells of their respective type will be refined to the specified level in the local mesh. Equidistant Refinement functions similarly to the Surface Inflation Mesh in Flotherm XT. Since significantly more manual control over the mesh is given in FLOEFD, it is useful to use the Display Refinement Level option in the local mesh to view what that level of refinement what look like.


KB Article ID# KB000131092_EN_US



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