Introduction of Co-simulation with Simcenter Prescan & Vissim



By use of the interface of Simcenter Prescan's Vissim plugin, introduce how to setup the co-simulation between Prescan and Vissim.



  • Objective
  • Software Prerequisites
  • Overview of Co-Simulation Process
  • Example Demonstration


Simcenter Prescan provides an interface plugin for the Vissim traffic flow simulation, enabling co-simulation of large-scale complex traffic flows between Prescan and Vissim.
The Vissim plugin interface can help users easily establish the data transfer between Prescan and PTV Vissim, such as the mutual mapping between Prescan controlled actors and Vissim traffic flow, so as to provide a possibility for the test validation and verification of the AD/ADAS algorithm or autonomous driving system in the complex traffic flow environment.
Note: The Vissim plugin provided by Prescan requires calling the PTV Vissim software. Therefore, users need to install the PTV Vissim software and the required software license.

Software Prerequisites

  • Prescan 2311 or higher
  • PTV Vissim 2022 or higher
  • Matlab version compatible with Prescan, details shown in the table below.

  • Vissim Plugin Setting
    • Enable plugin: Settings > Preference… > Plugins > Vissim 2311

  • Vissim plugin status check
    • Plugins > Plugin Status...

Overview of Co-Simulation Process

To create a typical experiment that lets Prescan and Vissim co-simulate, the following steps should be performed:

  1. Create a Prescan experiment with a road network, a trajectory and a vehicle.

    •  A road network may be imported from an OpenDRIVE file or created in Prescan.

  1. Set simulation frequency
  2. Start Vissim: Configure and save the experiment
    • Import an OpenDRIVE file with the same road network used in Prescan.
    • Record the 'Reference point in map' parameter.
    • Select 'Show entire network'
    • Save the experiment
  1. Vissim plugin configuration
    • Enable 'Run Vissim during simulation'.
    • Select an Ego vehicle (optional).
    • Create an Object pool.
    • Select a Vissim file.
    • Input the coordinates of 'Reference point in map'.
  1. Invoke simulink and run the experiment.

Example Demonstration

  1. Create new experiment in Prescan GUI, and create road network.

  1. Export the above road network as OpenDRIVE format file
    • Setting ‘Transform to OpenDRIVE roads‘ as True.

    • Export OpenDRIVE road network files (such as RoadNetwork. xodr) in Matlab command window.

  1. Add trajectory of Ego vehicle in Prescan.

  1. Generate object pool
    • Open Vissim plugin settings: Plugins > Vissim 2311 > Experiment Settings... > Plugins > Vissim > Vissim Settings.
    • Select 'Run Vissim during simulation’.
    • Click 'Add' to add objects and set the object type and count.
    • Specify the Vissim vehicle type in 'Prescan-controlled objects' tab if Prescan-controlled actors exists.
    • Click 'Generate' to create the objects pool in Prescan.

  1. The object pool has been created in Prescan GUI, and is placed in at the origin (0,0) by default.

  1. Start Vissim in automation mode.
    • Ways to start:
      • Start with batch file, its content contains:
        • cd C:\Program Files\PTV Vision\PTV Vissim 2022\Exe
        • call VISSIM220.exe -automation
      • Start from Vissim Desktop Shortcut, and setting startup parameters -automation

  1. In Vissim, import OpenDRIVE road network, and record the coordinates of 'reference point in map', then save the Vissim experiment (eg. vissim_traffic.inpx) to the Vissim folder in Prescan experiment directory.

  1. In the Vissim plugin settings, enter the above recorded 'Reference point in map' coordinates and update the Vissim file.

  1. Road links and connectors editing and modification
    • In Vissim road network editor interface, click 'Trigger wireframe'. If the connector displayed in the intersection area is incorrect, you need to manually delete the invalid connector (in pink) or recreate the links and connectors at intersection location. 
      • For more details, please refer to Vissim help document or ask for technical support from PTV Group.

  1. In Vissim, click Vehicle Routes (Static), create static route decision, which will set the paths that Vissim traffic flow can travel through.

  1. In Vissim, click Vehicle Inputs, select one of the link in road network, and right click to Add  New Vehicle Input, and set the count to 1000.

  1. Definition of conflict area at intersection (if necessary)
    • In Vissim, the driving behavior of priority rules at cross/T-junction (conflict areas) determines the priority of pass through at the intersection. (Or setting traffic rules at intersections using traffic lights, which is not within the scope of this demonstration) (For more details, please refer to the Vissim technical documentation or ask for support)

  1. Define the vehicle compositions.
    • In Vissim, Traffic>Vehicle Composition, add vehicle composition and type (VehType), speed distribution (DesSpeedDistr), and relative flow of each vehicle type (RelFlow).
    • Save Vissim experiment.

  1. Run the simulation.
    • In Prescan, invoke Simulink to open the simulink file of the Prescan experiment.
    • Regenerate and run the simulink model, and the Prescan Viewer and Vissim running shown in the following image.

  1. Simulation results

KB Article ID# KB000130908_EN_US



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