Questa OneSpin StaticFormal Questa CoverCheck features and options overview within Questa CoverCheck GUI

Questa OneSpin StaticFormal


This video provides a basic overview of Questa CoverCheck's basic features and options within Questa CoverCheck GUI.


This is a part of the video series - How to view Questa Increase Coverage Analysis results and debug the design Issues from within the Questa Increase Coverage GUI 


0:16 The goal of CoverCheck

0:34 'View' menu to access each of the GUI's debug windows. 

0:42 "Logs & Reports" access from the 'View' menu.

0:51 "UCDB Cover Item Summary" and "CoverCheck Summary"

1:02 'Checks' tab is connected to the dynamic menu 'Checks'.

1:32 'Checks' menu provides 'Preferences' to adjust the types of checks shown and waveform options. 

1:53 'Help' menu to access all the tool documents.

2:06 'Design' window to see the design hierarchy and expand the underlying hierarchy. 

2:40 'Checks' tab includes icons to filter on specific checks type.

3:23 'Source' window buttons to go to the next result.

3:49 Arrows to undo/redo or jump to specific goto driver selections.

4:02 GUI windows options.

5:08 RMB on a check to bring up additional debug options. 

KB Article ID# KB000130619_EN_US



Associated Components

Questa Increase Coverage [CoverCheck]