How to access the Standard Examples of Insight Analyzer



This article illustrates the steps to access and run the Standard Examples of Insight Analyzer


The Insight Analyzer has hundreds of mini example projects that can demonstrate a particular concept, check, violation, or setup method.


There are two ways to access the examples:

  1. It can be accessed directly in the examples folder in the Insight install location
  2. Through the GUI

The instructions to access these examples through the GUI are as follows:

  • In the GUI, select Help > Reference Examples

  • Use the search tool to find the examples based on a keyword, or open the PDF containing all the examples through the link

Note: there is a button "Exact" that can be clicked to narrow down the results.

For example:

  • Search for "nor isolation", and the results will appear

  • When clicking on the "Exact" button, the results will be narrowed down as shown

  • Click on the link to open that example in the large roll-up PDF 

  • To run any of the examples in the document, follow the instructions in the second page of this document


KB Article ID# KB000130599_EN_US



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