Calibre 2024 Q1 Calibre Release Highlights - Semi-Manufacturing Solutions

Computational Lithography


The release highlights presentation includes an overview of new features and best practice recommendations in Calibre Semi-manufacturing solutions for the January 22, 2024 quarterly release.


New features highlighted include:
Extended GPU acceleration support for CM1 model calibration and machine learning resist (N2R) and etch (N2E) model training. 
• New VEB model default version 2 enables updated algorithm for improving etch modeling accuracy and performance.
• New Calibre OPCverify check to detect sharp turns in contours and best practice recommendations.
• New default settings in Calibre nmModelflow, Calibre RET MEMOPC, and Calibre SONR. 
• New Calibre RET modeling best practices for high NA EUV and optical model usage with Calibre OPCpro.

See the attachment for the presentations.

KB Article ID# KB000130194_EN_US



Associated Components

Calibre RET/OPC