Board Station
Where can I find the Board Station (BoardStation) translation software
PCB LayoutSchematic and Constraint Tools
What version of software includes the Board Station (BoardStation) translation tools?
How can I request the version of software download which includes the Design Architect to Designer, and the Board Station Layout to Xpedition Layout translators?
The Board Station translators were last made available in Xpedition version VX.2.4 (32 bit).
See the technical article below…..
Where are the DA2DX and BoardStation to Xpedition Translators?
VX.2.4 is not now officially supported therefore as a customer you cannot directly download this version. For the translators to work you’ll also need a Board Station BSXE version of software. BSXE7.9.5 or BSXEV10 is recommended.
To get access to the required software you need to open a new Support Case requesting the software versions required and attach a signed PDF disclaimer. See below
Requesting Access to Unsupported Electronic Board Systems Release.
For reference, here’s the translator guides:
Board Station Layout to Xpedition Layout
Design Architect to Designer.