Veloce veloceReport - the Veloce compile log parser script

Veloce Software


This article provides the binary for the Veloce compile summary report script (veloceReport)



This article is to introduce a new “ae-ware” helper script for Veloce that is intended to help end users navigate the confusing logs provided during the Veloce compile process. 

We use the term ‘ae-ware’ to describe scripts and software developed by our AE team to improve AE and end-users’ quality of life.  Since this is created and maintained by AE’s and not professional developers, please understand that this is not enterprise-grade software.  Although we are sure there are no bugs ~sarcasm~ we would appreciate feedback about your experience as well as suggestions you may have to improve the output. (The author’s contact information is in the script)

This article is intended to be a public delivery mechanism for the script with only a brief overview of how to use it.

How do I get veloceReport?

The binary for the script is attached to this article. The current version of the script is v2.4.

How do I use veloceReport?

This can be used in any Linux distribution that is able to run Veloce compiles.

Either put the binary in a location that is already on your PATH environment variable or update the path environment variable to point to the folder containing the script.

To see the usage of the script:

  > veloceReport --help

The easiest way to use the script is to simply navigate to the compile DB folder and execute the script without any switches: ‘veloceReport’.  This will create a text file ‘veloce_report.txt’ inside of that folder.

If you don’t have write permissions to the current directory, you may want to use ‘-o’ (output) option and provide the full path to the folder where you would like the output to be generated.

The other way would be to use the ‘-i’ (input) option to specify the full path to the compile DB.  By default, the script will output to the pwd, so be aware of where you are when you run the script.

What if I don’t like the format of the report?

In the unlikely event that you need the data to be reported in a different format, there is an option to export a good portion of the data into a json file:

  > veloceReport --json

Although this feature is relatively limited in breadth of data at the moment, you are encouraged to contact the author if you need more data to be exported.

Additional features

But wait, there’s more!

In the event that you have more than one compile DB that you would like to compare to each other, there is a feature that allows you to import a list of compile DB’s by exporting critical compile metrics to a csv file that can be opened using software like Excel or OpenOffice Calc or Google Sheets.

  > veloceReport --compare /path/to/compile_db/list.txt

Where each line in the compile DB list file has the format:


For example, if you had 2 different compiles from the same project, it would look like this:

  • Compile 1 Description:test project:/path/to/test/project/compile1
  • Compile 2 Description:test project:/path/to/test/project/compile2

Recent Changes

Added in v2.4:

  • Fixed several bugs caused by changes in how the velcomp/tbx logs are being written.
  • Started adding better error catching and processing to maximize data written to final report when files are missing.

Added in v2.3:

  • Recursive traversal of config logs.
  • host information is being recorded for long-running rtlc partitions to enable analysis of potential correlation between slow process on specific hosts.
  • follows rtlc partition symlinks to parse the source file 

KB Article ID# KB000129803_EN_US



Associated Components
