How to use the Collaborative Simulation Manager



The Collaborative Simulation Manager allows you to import boundary conditions from one simulation to another with an associative link. The elements linked in the target simulation can be updated if their definition change in the source model. We will learn here how to use this functionality.



In the version 2312, the Collaborative Simulation Manager is only available through an "Early Access Feature". 

You need first to activate it.
Check if you allow to use EAF in the Customer Default:


Then activate this EAF:



In the source model (where you define the boundary conditions you want to link), you need to generate a Simulation Interface, which will contain the data you want to link in the other (aka target) model:

You can generate different Interface to be able to control what you will link in the target model.
When you have boundary conditions in a directory, you can only select the whole directory, but not the individual elements contained within:


In the target model, you open once again the Collaborative Simulation Manager, this time to select which Simulation Interface you will import:

You must select the source model (which should be also loaded in your session), select the wished Interface and the component on which you will apply it:

As a result, you will see what was imported and if the Interface is up-to-date:

In the data tree, the linked elements are identified with the suffix " - Linked".
You must now redefine the support of your boundary conditions and you can use them in your target solution.


If the elements contained in the Simulation Interface of the source model are modified, you can update them in the target model:


To be able to do it, the source model should be opened in your session, otherwise the Collaborative Simulation Manager will be not able to check the status of the simulation interface.
When you use the update, you need to redefine the support of the elements afterwards.

KB Article ID# KB000129784_EN_US



Associated Components