Check the CapitalManagerEssentials log file and look for the red bold words right below "Capital Integration Server Essentials" entries:
// Capital Integration Server Essentials V2207.2302 [Build 92] - 9 February 2023 (01:06 IST)
// [Commit: 505501c541f18168b69102b546b663d0708f0b66]
// [Tag: V2207.2302.0000_92]
// Copyright 2001-2023 Siemens
// All Rights Reserved.
// Allocated Maximum Heap Size = 2048Mb
// Application start time 2024-02-16 07:57:42 AM Pacific Standard Time, using date format yyyy-MM-dd
// Using JRE version 11.0.4 at C:\Apps\Capital\jreWin64\1.11\jre
Using client login plugins from C:\Apps\Capital\clientloginplugins
chs.capitalmanager.persistence.PersistenceException: useraccount password incorrect, unsuccessful login / allowable_userattempts=null
at chs.capitalmanager.appserver.ServerCHSSOStrategy.doAuthentication(
at chs.capitalmanager.appserver.SignOnAuthenticationStrategy.authenticateUser(
at chs.capitalmanager.appserver.CapitalSecurityManager.authenicateUser(
at chs.capitalmanager.appserver.UserSessionFactory.create(
at chs.capitalmanager.appserver.SessionManager.createUserSession(
at chs.capitalmanager.appserver.ConnectionProvider.connect(
at chs.capitalmanager.appserver.CapitalManager.connect(
at chs.capitalmanager.appserver.IManagerLoginPOATie.connect(
at chs.capitalmanager.appserver.IManagerLoginPOA._invoke(
at org.jacorb.poa.RequestProcessor.invokeOperation(
at org.jacorb.poa.RequestProcessor.process(
2024-02-16 07:57:42:783 : [main]ERROR Failed to connect to CapitalEssentials Manager. Please ensure the user credentials used to start the application are correct.
Server-side Error Detected
BackgroundWhen Manager Essentials starts, it also launches a background process used for database optimization called Capital Integration Server Essentials (CISE). The CISE process reads the superuser credentials from the [Capital Essentials Home]\config\clientprops.xml file. After the password has been changed, the next time Manager Essentials is restarted it will fail consistently. When the CISE background process fails to launch, it will cause Manager to shutdown.
Solution1. Use [Capital Essentials Home
]\bin\CapitalUtilityEssentials.exe to encrypt the new password. This should be the exact password entered in the application prior to experiencing the failures.2. On the Capital Essentials Manager server machine, edit the [Capital Essentials Home
]\config\clientprops.xml file.3. Look for the webserver element and update the password value with the new encrypted text:4. Save the file and restart Capital Manager Essentials service.
After a couple of minutes, check the Manager Essentials log file again and if you see the words highlighted in bold, Manager should be up and running and ready to go.
// Capital Integration Server Essentials V2207.2302 [Build 92] - 9 February 2023 (01:06 IST)
// [Commit: 505501c541f18168b69102b546b663d0708f0b66]
// [Tag: V2207.2302.0000_92]
// Copyright 2001-2023 Siemens
// All Rights Reserved.
// Allocated Maximum Heap Size = 2048Mb
// Application start time 2024-02-16 08:39:27 AM Pacific Standard Time, using date format yyyy-MM-dd
// Using JRE version 11.0.4 at C:\Apps\Capital\jreWin64\1.11\jre
Using client login plugins from C:\Apps\Capital\clientloginplugins
Using number_parallel_tasks = 1 for saving tags
Manager blocking queue auto size mode = Disabled
Configured Blocking Queue Size overridden to 100 to ensure performance.
2024-02-16 08:39:28.363 INFO Session 1: UID74fe6659-18db2c98766-469adc5ca61ab1099c4c0c094796b09d for user [sessionCount: 1], running application Manager is ready.
2024-02-16 08:39:28:458 : [main]INFO Client session ID: UID74fe6659-18db2c98766-469adc5ca61ab1099c4c0c094796b09d
Worker Registered:
CIS Worker Name : DI2USFMN0075WNB
Port : 49901
Task Name(s) :
CIS Controller initialized
2024-02-16 08:39:32.435 INFO Session 1: UID74fe6659-18db2c98766-469adc5ca61ab1099c4c0c094796b09d for user system, running application Manager and logged in since 2024-02-16 08:39:28.363 was closed by the client.
2024-02-16 08:39:32.477 INFO Session 2: UID74fe6659-18db2c98767-469adc5ca61ab1099c4c0c094796b09d for user [sessionCount: 2], running application Manager is ready.
2024-02-16 08:39:32.479 INFO Session 2: Connected for FEM Administration
2024-02-16 08:39:32:482 : [main]INFO Client session ID: UID74fe6659-18db2c98767-469adc5ca61ab1099c4c0c094796b09d
2024-02-16 08:39:32.722 INFO Session 2: UID74fe6659-18db2c98767-469adc5ca61ab1099c4c0c094796b09d for user system, running application Manager and logged in since 2024-02-16 08:39:32.477 was closed by the client.
2024-02-16 08:39:32.782 INFO Session 3: UID74fe6659-18db2c98768-469adc5ca61ab1099c4c0c094796b09d for user [sessionCount: 3], running application Manager is ready.
2024-02-16 08:39:32.783 INFO Session 3: Connected for FEM Administration
2024-02-16 08:39:32:786 : [main]INFO Client session ID: UID74fe6659-18db2c98768-469adc5ca61ab1099c4c0c094796b09d
2024-02-16 08:39:32.878 INFO Session 3: UID74fe6659-18db2c98768-469adc5ca61ab1099c4c0c094796b09d for user system, running application Manager and logged in since 2024-02-16 08:39:32.782 was closed by the client.
Capital Integration Server Essentials started on non secure port 49901
AppServer Capital Manager Essentials named IManagerLogin.server is ready