How to model weather conditions Fog Rain Snow Simcenter Prescan




This article shows how to model or enable different weather conditions such as Rain, Snow and Fog.

Starting with a new experiment go to Experiment->General Settings. Or click on weather Settings. A shortcut is also included on the right side of the experiment pane.

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Here click on weather to show the features: In this case there are two Fog and Precipitation (Rain, snow):
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Starting with the Example of creating Fog: Click to show the settings to model Fog. Click on enable to be able to change settings. You can change the visibility of the Fog and the color. In this case any color can be used, when the „Use Sky Color“ is not checked.

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In the Tab Favorites you can save different configuration of Fog and save them with a specific Tag to reuse them.

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Below is an example with 100m visibility:
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The modeling of rain and snow has the similar approach: Click on Precipitation and choose rain or snow to have the settings available.
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It is possible to set the Density of the particles, diameter, Camera clip distance and the velocity components. In this case it is also possible to set the direction of the rain. It is also possible to rain upwards.
In the Favorites it is possible to save different rain configurations. For Rain and snow there are also some pre configured Rain settings.

For Rain:
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For snow:
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KB Article ID# KB000129656_EN_US



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