After Importing a STEP file and suppressing a part, it is not possible to unsuppress that part



After I bring in a step file, then rebuild + save, the parts in my assembly aren't being saved as individual .sldprt and .sldasm files in the folder I am working in. After I suppress a part Flotherm XT loses the file and then I'm unable to unsuppress because XT can't locate the files.


Open Flotherm XT and before importing the STEP file, please do the following:
Under Tools/Options:
image.png s
elect Import and then uncheck the box for Enable 3D Interconnect. The window should look like below:

After this is done, import the STEP file and do a Save As and all the parts will be shown under the folder that the file is saved under. It will possible at this point to suppress/unsuppress the parts.

KB Article ID# KB000129431_EN_US



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