Simcenter STAR-CCM+ HEEDS' Simcenter STAR-CCM+ Portal License usage set up

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When adding a sim file to Simcenter STAR-CCM+ Portal in HEEDS, a parsing error may occur. In this case, you will need to check the settings of the license options in HEEDS.


As shown in the picture above, there are two licensing options in Options / Analysis Portals / Simcenter STAR-CCM+ in HEEDS.

In HEEDS, the use of the license in the sim file execution process is divided into two phases.
Default License Options (also available in the main configuration UI) sets the type of license to be used in the calculation execution process.
Apart from this, the license is also used in the process of reading the SIM file information for the first time, and this is where the parsing license option entry in the figure above is the license setting for that function.
Both options must be set according to the type of license you have so that they work without errors.

In addition, the Default Run Option allows you to specify the number of cores to be used when the calculation is in progress.

KB Article ID# KB000129320_EN_US



Associated Components

Design Manager Electronics Cooling In-Cylinder (STAR-ICE) Job Manager Simcenter STAR-CCM+