First go to downloads under the Simcenter Flotherm Product Center. Select an appropriate version of Simcenter Flotherm from the drop down menu “select a version”
(Note some downloads are version specific so will not show up unless supported at a selected version)
A new download area for your selected version opens. You will observe there is a tab on the right hand side called “Related Files” next to “System Requirements” tab.

Click on the related files tab and it opens a list of topic areas that link to groupings of files you can download.

At the time of writing of this Knowledge Base article there are the following titled areas
- Simcenter Flotherm Supporting Application Examples, Best Practice Guides and Tutorials
- BCI-ROM Tools and Examples
- Embeddable BCI-ROM [EROM] Examples and Documents
- Simcenter Flotherm Automation Tools
- Simcenter Flotherm Productivity Tools
- Simcenter Flotherm Utilities
- Simcenter Flotherm Schema Documentation
- Simcenter Flotherm Project Files from the Introductory Training Course Tutorials
Each of these linked areas contains files such as pdf documents, zip files containing pack files of Simcenter Flotherm example models, utilities or plugins.
“Simcenter Flotherm Supporting Application Examples, Best Practice Guides and Tutorials” section has a list of many electronics cooling example models on different thermal applications to download. These demonstration models are free to users to download and use for building skills and exploring functionality.
“BCI-ROM tools and examples focuses” on BCI-ROM validation documentation relevant to matrices, VHDL-AMS and FMU Formats.
“Embeddable BCI-ROM [EROM] Examples and Documents” – contains a specific validation document, validation example models, a best practice document and a simple example model in a zip file. This means so you can try out the author workflow (needs BCI-ROM license) or simply try using an EROM in a system model (no additional license needed).
“Simcenter Flotherm Schema Documentation” contains all documentation for Simcenter Flotherm ECXML Schema, FloSCRIPT Schema, FloXML Schema.