How can I create documenation files for supercomponents and user-libraries?



In this article, you will find information about how to create documentation files for your supercomponents and user-libraries in Simcenter Amesim.


If you want to share your own supercomponents or user-libraries created in Simcenter Amesim with your colleagues or even re-use them after some time, it is a great idea to create documentation files for these objects to ease comprehension about the parts/ systems being modelled and their purpose. Simcenter Amesim offers here the possibility to create HTML reports for the documentation of each object. It should be noted here that you can manually adapt the according HTML reports if you are familiar with HTML or also create custom templates, so that all your documentation files have a similar graphical framework and amount of information.

Supercomponent Documentation
You can create a documentation file for your supercomponents as soon as you have saved this supercomponent into a user-library. For this purpose, you need to select the field Documentation in the Library Saving tab in the Supercomponent Editor window:
Create supercomponent documentation file

In the opened HTML Report window you will be able to define the location, where the HTML file will be saved, under the section Save HTML report as. The section Select the type of report allows you to provide your own HTML report template if you have one available:
HTML report window of supercomponent

Furthermore, you can decide which content should be included after selecting User defined -> Configure in the Content definition subsection and the desired items:
Configuring the content of the supercomponent documentation file

After creating the documentation files, you can manually adapt these by opening the according HTML files to include further text or pictures if you are familiar with HTML. To open the supercomponent documentation in the Simcenter Amesim help, you can right-click on the according supercomponent and select Help:
Exemplary documentation of a supercomponent

User-Library Documentation
It is also possible to create a documentation for a whole user-library of supercomponents if you have created the according supercomponents' documentation files explained in the previous subsection.
We will consider the following exemplary user-library "LibCar" consisting of three supercomponents (road_component, wheel_component and suspension_component):
Exemplary user-library

You can create the according documentation through the menu "File -> Model documentation -> User library documentation":
Creating user-library documentation

This procedure generates an additional node in the Simcenter Amesim Help documentation, which is accessible in the Contents tab showing the included supercomponents and providing links to the according supercomponent documentation files:
Additional node for user-library documentation

For more information, please consult the manuals for the Supercomponent Facility and the Simcenter Amesim Reference.
If you want to create documentation files for your Simcenter Amesim models, you can have a look into the knowledge base article "How can I create a model documentation?".

KB Article ID# KB000128864_EN_US



Associated Components