Valor NPI Component Layer Fails to Display in Valor NPI with Message 'iol_eda-314001-Internal error'

PCB Manufacturing


When attempting to display a Component Layer in the MRA, the error message 'iol_eda-314001-Internal error' is received.


1) The error message in the Log is:
*********** ERROR INTERNAL 07Dec2023.151302.078 valornpi 8232 2305.1(23029404) Windows 11
(((top_name)?(int)strlen(top_name):0) > 0) at D:\anthill3\var\jobs\projects\386472_4686998\s_dev\code\iol\iol_eda.c 3019
*********** ERROR  07Dec2023.151302.079 valornpi 8232 2305.1(23029404) Windows 11
error while reading EDA file
(path - <Job Path>/steps/pcb/layers/comp_+_top/components, line - 1736)
Status raised : module - D:\anthill3\var\jobs\projects\386472_4686998\s_dev\code\iol\iol_eda.c, line - 1622
Status raised : module - D:\anthill3\var\jobs\projects\386472_4686998\s_dev\code\iol\iol_eda.c, line - 1299
Status raised : module - D:\anthill3\var\jobs\projects\386472_4686998\s_dev\code\iol\iol_genesis.c, line - 12485
Status raised : module - D:\anthill3\var\jobs\projects\386472_4686998\s_dev\code\iol\iol_genesis.c, line - 12313
Status raised : module - D:\anthill3\var\jobs\projects\386472_4686998\s_dev\code\iol\iol_genesis.c, line - 12069
*********** ERROR  07Dec2023.151302.080 valornpi 8232 2305.1(23029404) Windows 11
unable to read layer - comp_+_top

2) This indicates an error in the 'components' file at line 1736.
3) The problem is that the 'toeprint_name' (per the ODB++ Spec) is not present at the end of line 1736.
4) Below is a snapshot of the specific area in the 'components' file:
5) There should be 9 fields in line 1736 but there are only 8.
6) Compare to lines 1737 and 1738, which have 9 fields each.
7) If the data was exported from a non-Siemens software, then the customer should be advised to take the issue up with that software vendor. 

KB Article ID# KB000128502_EN_US



Associated Components

Valor NPI