Xpedition Enterprise A Quick Look at Xpedition to Siemens NX MCAD Collaboration

PCB Layout


This Support Kit will walk you through a basic round trip collaboration in Xpedition With Siemens NX



Provided for you: KB000122723.zip
The data provided includes a basic PCB as well as an NX model
Unzip the Data and locate it where you wish. For this example we'll use E:\NX_StartBoard
  1. Lab Guide Document
  2. NX .prt Model
  3. Xpedition .pcb PCB File
Estimated time to complete: 20 Minutes

Version Information: X-ENTP VX.2.14 and Siemens NX 2212
This Support Kit was created using the VX.2.14 release and is expected to work with future release versions.

Search strings and keywords:
  • MCAD Collaboration
  • Baseline
  • 3D Model

KB Article ID# KB000122723_EN_US



Associated Components

Xpedition MCAD collaboration Xpedition Layout