In this Support Kit, we will show you how to create a model using the Datasheet Curve Modeler.
We have provided you with a lab guide, sample reference plot image and Designer project.
The lab will guide you through the process of VHDL-AMS model creation by creating a free hand model over a datasheet image using the Datasheet Curve Modeler.
Estimated time to complete: 15 – 30 minutes
Version Information: X-ENTP VX.2.13
Creating a Model Using Datasheet Curve Modeler: Download to your Desktop
Open ReferencePlot.png found in the Datasheet_Curve_Modeler folder
Type AMS into the Search Bar, open your version of AMS flow (This lab is using Xpedition AMS VX.2.13)
Once open, select File > Open > Project
Navigate to DCM.prj under the Datasheet_Curve_Modeler folder
Simulation > Model and Symbol Wizard
Under the Select Source tab, select Datasheet then click Next
Under the Select/Create Model tab, select Datasheet Curves in the dropdown menu
Click Launch to open the Datasheet Curve Modeler
Start the image capture tool from File > Capture Image
An alternative way is to go to File > Open > Existing Image and navigate to ReferencePlot.png found in the Datasheet_Curve_Modeler folder (image is a .png type)
Click Capture in the Image Capture window
Drag capture tool over open datasheet image
Resize capture tool to enclose image
Click Save As
Enter DCM_res_plot and save to “Desktop\Datasheet_Curve_Modeler” as a jpeg image
Open Data Ranges from Edit > Set Data Range
Enter range and type for x-axis data, in this case x-min = -50 and x-max = 100.
Select Linear for datatype
Enter range and type for y-axis data, in this case y-min = 100 and y-max = 1100
Select Linear for datatype
Confirm form entries
Select Bound Box Mode from Edit > Set Bounding Box
Confirm bounding box instructions
Define graph bounding box
Click on upper-most (xmin, ymax) value
Click on origin (xmin, ymin) value
Click on right-most (xmax, ymin) value
Blue box appears bounding the graph area
Select Add Data Points mode from Edit > Add Data Points
Digitize waveform.
Click left-to-right along waveform to place data points
Data points must be within blue data boundary
Data table is automatically filled-in with data point coordinates
Points must be monotonically increasing along x-axis
Edit data points
Click and drag data points.
Edit values in the data table.
Add data points by right clicking on one datapoint and selecting “Add datapoint” in the menu
NOTE: If you have more than one curve, go to Configure > Number of Curves > Curve Number. You will go from left to right along the waveform but now there will be multiple datapoints every time you click on the curve. NOTE: Restriction of x-axis or y-axis movement of datapoints can be implemented through Configure > Lock Datapoint X or Y Movement
File > Create Model and Save the Data File
Choose model type
For this example, select the resistor as a function of voltage under the Passive tab
Confirm the Save data to file window
Respond to generator prompts
Click OK to open Save As form
Enter text res_vs_volt and save to “Desktop\Designer_Curve_Modler\DMS\hml”
Click Save to save text file and generate model/symbol
Click OK to close model confirmation form
Close the Datasheet Curve
Verify Model Details in the Wizard
VHDL-AMS file name
Model Entity
Defines model parameters and ports, select RES_VS_VOLT
Model Architecture
Describes device behavior, select IDEAL
Click Next
Select/Create Symbol Window
Review model source code
Select the source for symbol graphics
Default: Use the symbol selected in the Datasheet tool
Click Next
Verify Set/Map Parameters Details
Review the parameter table.
If needed, change information in the Value column
Table may be grey if no parameters in the model can be changed
In this example, the table will be blank
Click Finish
Choose Model Library
Select Local Library to save the model into. Other options include:
Local Project
Default shared library
User defined libraries
Click OK to save the model and close the Model and Symbol Wizard
Model is now available in the Simulation > Search/Place Symbol or DataBook library browsers
A window with the symbol will pop up, this can be closed to return to the schematic.
Delete the placeholder resistor
Open Simulation > Search/Place Symbol
Click the + sign on (Current Project)
Click the + sign on (CREATI~1)
Select and place res_vs_volt
Close Search/Place Symbol
Place res_vs_volt symbol where placeholder resistor used to be
Select Simulation > Simulate
Click on the Multi-Run tab
Select “Sweep Values” under Multi-Run Tab
Check “DC Sweep”
Click Parameter Edit
Parameter: Select value seen (should match ID of voltage source)
Sweep Type: Increment
Sweep Start: -50
Sweep Stop: 100
Sweep Increment: 1
Click Ok
Under the Results tab, select “All Waveforms” in the drop-down menu under DC Waveforms. This will give the waveform for the new resistor that was just placed.
Under the Simulations tab, neither Time-Domain or Frequency Analysis should be enabled
Click Ok
Simulation will perform 151 runs; progress can be seen in the bottom left of the Xpedition tool.
Waveform Analyzer will open once simulation is complete.
Click the + next to y1<yournumber> in the Waveform List
Double click the wave res
The waveform will match the one taken in the Datasheet Curve Modeler