Simcenter Flotherm XT XTXML import/export in Simcenter FLOTHERM XT

Flotherm XT


Simcenter FLOTHERM XT 2304 version proposes a new functionality which is the “Export assembly as XTXML”. This allows to select any assembly and export as XTXML, a man-readable XML file currently used for export of packages from Simcenter Flotherm Package Creator for use in Simcenter Flotherm XT. It can be used to transfer full geometry and attribute data between installations of Simcenter Flotherm XT. Geometry only can be imported into Simcenter Flotherm 2304 via MCAD Bridge and processed as required before transfer to a project.


Simcenter FLOTHERM XT 2304 version proposes a new functionality which is the “Export assembly as XTXML”.

This allows to select any assembly and export as XTXML, a man-readable XML file currently used for export of packages from Simcenter Flotherm Package Creator for use in Simcenter Flotherm XT.

It can be used to transfer full geometry and attribute data between installations of Simcenter Flotherm XT.
Geometry only can be imported into Simcenter Flotherm 2304 via MCAD Bridge and processed as required before transfer to a project.

Key Points:

Exporting Geometry
• XTXML format
• Schema update
Assembly only
Project data not yet supported
• Use to export to Flotherm via MCAD Bridge

Another note:
The version of xtxml that Flotherm XT exports is 2304, while the version that Flotherm MCAD Bridge imports is 2020.1, so it could not be readable.
Flotherm Package Creator xtxml will import directly into Flotherm MCAD Bridge.
For whole assembly from XT, It is possible to edit the xtxml file exported from Flotherm XT and change the version to 2020.1 to import into Flotherm MCAD Bridge. 


KB Article ID# KB000122500_EN_US



Associated Components

Simcenter Flotherm XT