Simcenter 3D Solutions How to run Simcenter Samcef 2306 through Simcenter 3D 2306 from a mapped drive on Windows

Simcenter Samcef


This article describes how to start Simcenter Samcef 2306 through Simcenter 3D 2306 from a mapped drive on Windows.


In order to run the Simcenter Samcef 2306 solvers from a mapped drive (remote drive) through Simcenter 3D 2306;
-    Open the Windows environment variables
-    Define the environment variable UGII_SAMCEF as following:
1)  X: corresponds to the physical drive
                 Use the letter of the drive, don’t define the physical drive address

 2) Samcef_installation\Samcef\2306 corresponds to the path of the directory
                  where Simcenter Samcef 2306 is installed on the remote drive X
Then, calling Simcenter Samcef 2306 can be done through the following window of Simcenter 3D 2306, illustrated with an example of a Static Linear computation with Simcenter Samcef 2306 solver Asef:


Another way to call the Simcenter Samcef 2306 solvers from a mapped drive (i.e without defining the Windows environment variable UGII_SAMCEF) consists in defining the variable directly in the “Solver Parameter” window of Simcenter 3D 2306 as following:

KB Article ID# KB000122460_EN_US



Associated Components

Asef Bacon Composite Dynam FAC Fempad Femword Fourier Gateway Ghs3d Machining Mecano Nassam Postfac Quicksizer Repdyn Sam2h3D Samfac Samres Spectral Stabi Supervisor Supsam Topol Xfem3d