Simcenter 3D Solutions How to select a CSYS Coordinate System in Simcenter 3D?

Simcenter 3D


Sometimes it's very difficult to graphically select or pick a CSYS. This article discusses how to do so.


A common issue is being unable to choose a CSYS.  It may not highlight on the screen.

There are two ways to work around this issue.

The first is to set the selection filter to CSYS.  This is done outside the dialog box and is located at the top of the Simulation Navigator.  Usually by default it says No Selection Filter.  It can be changed to CSYS and then try again to choose the CSYS on the screen.  It usually helps to get close to the origin of the CSYS.

The second way is to select the CSYS in the Simulation Navigator.

Reference:  None

KB Article ID# KB000122292_EN_US



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