Command line syntax to solve a TMG ‘.xml’ file using the ‘TMG Executive Menu’ functionality in Simcenter 3D



This article documents the ‘command line’ syntax required in order to solve a previously created TMG '.xml' file using the 'TMG Executive Menu' functionality in Simcenter 3D.


‘Command line’ syntax to solve a TMG ‘.xml’ file using the ‘TMG Executive Menu’ functionality in Simcenter 3D

This article documents the ‘command line’ syntax required in order to solve a previously created TMG '.xml' file using the 'TMG Executive Menu' functionality in Simcenter 3D.  Note that this information is not currently detailed within the relevant section of the Simcenter 3D help documentation.


What is the ‘command line’ syntax required to solve a previously created TMG '.xml' file using the 'TMG Executive Menu' functionality in Simcenter 3D?


The required ‘command line’ syntax is:

…\tmg.exe nx -inPath …\inputFile01.xml


…\tmg.exe = the required executable within the ‘…\tmg\com’ folder of the Simcenter 3D installation, e.g.:

C:\Program Files\Siemens\Simcenter3D_2306\NXCAE_EXTRAS\tmg\com\tmg.exe

…\inputFile01.xml = the path/filename of the previously created ‘.xml’ file which is to be solved

Note that it may be necessary to define the following environment variables within the ‘command prompt’ window from which the above command is to be run prior to running the command:

UGII_TMG_DIR=‘path to the ‘tmg’ folder within the Simcenter 3D software installation’
SDRC_TMG==‘path to the ‘tmg’ folder within the Simcenter 3D software installation’


UGII_TMG_DIR=C:\Program Files\Siemens\Simcenter3D_2306\NXCAE_EXTRAS\tmg
SDRC_TMG=C:\Program Files\Siemens\Simcenter3D_2306\NXCAE_EXTRAS\tmg 


KB Article ID# KB000122270_EN_US



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