Use of a pts file in Simcenter 3D for the definition of Mesh point and Spatial Force distribution



This article explains how, based on a .pts file, we can define with only one file the Mesh point and the Spatial Force distribution.


1 – Creation of a .pts file :
A .pts file is created, which includes the coordinates X,Y,Z of points and the forces in component 1,2,3 at these points (file.pts) :

2 – Import points from File :
We use this file to import points in a .prt file : File -> Import -> Points from File…
And we use the “Project curve” functionality to project the point to the geometry with the “Along Face Normal” option :

3 – Creation of the FEM :
We create a FEM with the definition of a CAD Geometry to include (Creation of Mesh Points) to ensure that the mesh will go through these points.

4 – Creation of Mesh :
The Mesh is created, and we can check that the nodes of cells, passed through the Mesh Points.

5 – Definition of the Spatial Force distribution :
At this step a SIM file is created with the SOL 402 solution.
The Spatial Force distribution is created using the : Load Type -> Force

A Table Field is defined in Cartesian and we import the file.pts with the “Import from Text File”.
Using the : Other Foreign Files (*.*)
The Table is filled automatically with the data of the .pts file :
View of the Force distribution :


KB Article ID# KB000122190_EN_US



Associated Components