Simcenter 3D Solutions In Simcenter Nastran can comment lines be inserted between continuation lines?

Simcenter Nastran


SC Nastran decks are sometimes edited manually. Descriptive comments may be added for information. Some cards may have continuation lines sometimes many. This article discusses whether comment lines can be inserted between continuation lines.


Some SC Nastran cards many have continuation lines sometimes many.  For example, rigid elements, MPCs Multipoint Constraints, and cards using Large Field Format may all have continuation lines.  Rigid elements and MPCs may connect many nodes and so have many continuation lines.

Sometimes decks are manually edited and comment lines may be added for information.  For example an MPC might first connect many nodes of Part One, and then many nodes of Part Two.  It may be that comment lines indicating Part One and then Part Two may be desirable.

Unfortunately comment lines may NOT be inserted between continuation lines.  Even the SC Nastran QRG Quick Reference Guide in the section Bulk Data Syntax Rules mentions as follows:

"A dollar sign terminates the entry and comments may follow."

Therefore a comment line which begins with a $ dollar sign will terminate the card resulting in incorrect input data.

Reference:  Incident Report 10478919

KB Article ID# KB000122164_EN_US



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