Opcenter Intra Plant Logistics MMA service Stopped

Opcenter Intra Plant Logistics Licensing


Steps that can be taken to troubleshoot an issue were the MMA service in MMA adapter manager failed to start.


In case the service run for few seconds and changed status to stopped you can navigate to the log folder for more information.

the log folder is located in C:\MentorGraphics\ValorMSS\Logs\MM
The most common issues are connection from the service to SRC/MDM.

One reason is that the port is not correct or missing , the full rest URL can be seen in the log file of the service in.
you can edit the port number in the setting name ConnectElectronicsGatewayUrl.
This URL should contain the hostname of the gateway and the port number ( separated by ':')

another reason can be resource ID not found , one of the things the service is doing when it start is to get the resource id from MDM/SRC.
In case the resource id cannot be found this error will exist in the log file along with the resource id which the service is expecting.

you can take this resource id and compare it with the resource ID in Connect Electronics.
In case it doesn't match , check your equipment configuration or you can edit this value to match the resource id which the service is expecting an answer from.


KB Article ID# KB000122125_EN_US



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