My Parts - Property Customization, Limits, and Sharing (Classic UI)



How to customize the properties of parts in My Parts. What the limit is for the My Parts Favorite tab. How to share My Parts between users.



To be able to view part values in My Parts you will need to have turned on the Value visibility.

  1. Go to the Databook Search tab
  2. Right click in the window and select Configure > Edit Configuration
  3. Make sure that Value and Value Visible check box is selected for each component library you want this to apply to:
  4. OK
  5. Tools > Update Libraries
  6. Now you can drag and drop a part into the Favorites tab in My Parts, and you should see the Part Label, Symbol Name, and Value next to the icon

Note: You must drag and drop parts from Databook for this method to work properly.

Note: You will also need to make sure that the "Use symbol data from Central Library" is selected in the Edit Configuration window.

Note: You can hover your cursor over the part to show more properties of the part. Below is a screenshot of that.

My Parts Limit

There is not a maximum limit as to how many parts you put into the Favorites tab.

Sharing My Parts “Favorites”

You can share your “Favorites” in My Parts to different team members. To do this, you will send them your own favorites.xml file and have them replace theirs with yours. Below are the steps to do this, labeled “Sender” and “Receiver”

  1. Once you have finished adding parts to the Favorites tab in My Parts, exit Designer entirely
  2. Go to your personal version specific WDIR; (for example,C:\WDIR\EEVX.2.13)
  3. Select and copy the file “favorites.xml”
  4. Send that file to the receiver
  1. Download favorites.xml from the sender
  2. Go into your WDIR and change the name of your original favorites.xml to old_favorites.xml
  3. Move the downloaded favorites.xml into the same place the original was located
  4. Start Xpedition, add the My Parts view (View > My Parts)
  5. Select the favorites tab to confirm it worked properly
Note: There is no way to upload the favorites.xml file to a company’s WDIR (so everyone automatically has it). This is a known defect that has no scheduled fix. The only way to share will be adding the favorites.xml file to each person’s local WDIR.

Note: The reason the receiver should keep their original favorites file and rename it to old_favorites.xml, is so they can always put their settings back to original. To do this, delete the new favorites.xml file and rename old_favorites.xml to favorites.xml.

A screenshot of steps 2 and 3 for the sender, for reference.

Search Terms:

  • Commonly used parts
  • My Parts Favorites
  • Visual icons in My Parts
  • Sharing Favorites in My Parts
  • Sharing parts in Designer
  • Making part attributes visible
  • How to see properties of a part
  • My Parts limit
  • How many parts can I add to favorites?
  • How do I share my favorites?
  • How do I share My Parts?

KB Article ID# KB000121896_EN_US



Associated Components