Simcenter 3D Solutions MAGNET Solver Error: Mesh-model topology, Context: Device construction

Simcenter 3D


The article discusses a typical model error that can occur when certain MAGNET solver requirement to the mesh generation is ignored. Error: Mesh-model topology, Context: Device construction


When invoking a MAGNET solver, there are two types of possible errors that can appear. The first type is a validation error or warning. An error must be resolved before attempting to solve again. A warning will give an indication of a potential problem during the solve. Validation errors appear instantly after invoking the solver but before the solver is actually started. It appears in the Information window called Solution Model Setup Check Error Summary. It is not saved to a log-file. The second type is an error that occurs during the solving process when the Solver Monitor window appears. This type of error has an associated error code or stop code number and it is saved to a MAGNETSolverLog.txt file created in a working directory.
Below is a typical model error that can occur when certain requirement to the mesh generation is ignored: 
Error: Mesh-model topology, Context: Device construction

To troubleshoot this issue, switch to the fem-file and observe the meshes (2D meshes in this example). You notice that for every component, the only mesh is created:

Picture2.jpg    Picture3.jpg
As MAGNET solver performs a re-meshing during the solve, there is a requirement for meshing to always create a single mesh for every face. Change the settings for “Create Separate Meshes” to “On- For Each Face” for all collectors and this results in the generation of separate meshes:
Picture4.jpg  Picture5.jpg
This resolves the issue.

KB Article ID# KB000121516_EN_US



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