Assembly FEM Bridge Analysis in Simcenter 3D - Part 4 - Create FEM, assembly FEM and SIM file
This tutorial shows how to go about setting up a structural analysis using an Assembly FEM in Simcenter 3D.
The aim is to introduce the user to the power of Assembly FEMS and familiarize them with the approach and concepts involved.
Part 4 - Create FEM, assembly FEM and SIM file
Step 10: Create FEM Parts for the Remaining Sections
•Double click the Rec_Section_02 part in the Simulation File View pane using the left mouse button
•Right-click on the Rec_Section_02.prt item that Simulation Navigator and select New FEM
•Click OK in the New Part File menu that appears
•Ensure that the Create Idealized Part checkbox is ticked in the New FEM menu that appears.
•Click OK
•Now repeat the process outlined in Steps 03 to 09 for Rec_Section_02, then repeat this for the remaining sections (Rec_Section_03, Rec_Section_04, Rec_Section_05, Rec_Section_06, Rec_Section_07 and Rec_Section_08)
Step 11: Create the Assembly FEM
•Double click the Bridge_Assy part in the Simulation File View pane using the left mouse button
•Right click on the Bridge_Assy.prt item that Simulation Navigator and select New Assembly FEM
•Click OK in the New Part File menu that appears
•Click OK in the New Assembly FEM menu
Step 12: Setup the Assembly FEM
•Expand the Bridge_Assy.prt item that Simulation Navigator
•Right-click on one of the Square_Section_01.prt items that Simulation Navigator and select Find All Matching Components
•Right-click on one of the highlighted entities and select Map Existing
•In the Map CAD Component To Existing FEM menu check the List Only Associated Models checkbox
•Square_Section_01_fem1 should now be shown in the FE Model dropdown list
•Click OK
•Repeat the process outlined above for the remainder of the sections in the bridge assembly
Step 13: Check that the Assembly FEM is Complete
•Check that all the sections in the Bridge_Assy_assyfem1.afm have got FEM parts associated to them. The assembly should look similar to that depicted in the adjacent image
Step 14: Create the SIM File
•Right-click on the Bridge_Assy_assyfem1.afm item in the Simulation Navigator and select New Simulation