Assembly FEM Bridge Analysis in Simcenter 3D - Part 1 - Geometry preparation



This tutorial shows how to go about setting up a structural analysis using an Assembly FEM in Simcenter 3D. The aim is to introduce the user to the power of Assembly FEMS and familiarize them with the approach and concepts involved.


Part 1 - Geometry preparation

Step 1: Open the Bridge Assembly

•Launch a new session of Simcenter
•File > Open
•Browse to the folder where the bridge assembly is stored and select the Bridge_Assy.prt file
•Click OK

Step 2: Create a FEM Part for Square_Section 01

•In the Assembly Navigator, right-click on the Square_Section_01 part 
•Select Open in Window
•File >  Pre/Post
•Click New FEM button           
•Click OK in the New Part File menu that appears
•The menu shown to the right should appear
•Ensure that the Create Idealized Part checkbox is ticked. This will enable clean-up operations to be performed without changing the base geometry
•Click OK

Step 3: Open the Idealised Part

•Ensure that the Simulation File View at the bottom of the Simulation Navigator is expanded as this will make it easier to navigate between the different simulation files
•Double click the Square_Section_01_fem1_i part in the Simulation File View pane using the left mouse button. An Idealised Part Warning message should appear
•Click OK

Step 4: Promote the Body to the Idealised Part

•Click on the Promote button
•Select all the in the display port
•Click OK

Step 5: Remove All Edge Blends Section

•Select the Delete  image.png  tool in the Synchronous Modeling group of the Home tab tool ribbon
•In the Delete Face menu change the Type to Blend
•Left click and drag the mouse over the section. 8 Blend faces should be selected
Click OK

This completes Assembly FEM Bridge Analysis in Simcenter 3D - Part 1 - Geometry preparation
Please continue with Assembly FEM Bridge Analysis in Simcenter 3D - Part 2 - Mesh the geometry

KB Article ID# KB000121088_EN_US



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