AMS Command Line Interface



AMS Command Line Interface


Xpedition AMS and PADS AMS offer a Command Line Interface (CLI) that allows users to enter textual commands for performing basic simulation functions without relying on dialog boxes or graphical user interface (GUI) elements. The CLI provides a quick and convenient method of accessing simulation features while keeping the GUI active.

To access the command line window, simply move your cursor anywhere within the main window of PADS AMS and press the spacebar. This action will open a new window with a text entry cursor at the beginning of the text field. You can then use this text field to input any of the commands listed below:

AMS Command Line Commands

  1. svsimulate: Executes simulation for the current testbench.
  2. svcompile: Compiles the current testbench.
  3. svnetlist: Generates a netlist for the current testbench.
  4. svdesign <name> <folder> <commandfile>: Sets up a simulation design with the specified name, folder, and command file.
  5. svlibrary <libraryName>: Sets up a library to compile into.
  6. svviewer <command to be sent to the viewer>: Performs the specified waveform analyzer command.
  7. svgetenv <environment variable>: Prints an environment variable in the log window.
  8. svsetenv <environment variable>=<value>: Sets a variable in the environment.
  9. svgetenvsplit <environment variable> <split character>: Prints an environment variable as a list.
  10. svsimcmd <commands to query the loaded design in the simulator>: Allows querying the loaded design simulation object.
  11. sveditprop: Opens the edit model properties dialog for the selected component.
  12. svpushvhdl: Switches to VHDL text of a selected component.
  13. svpushspice: Switches to SPICE text of a selected component.
  14. svtestbench read: Reads testbench files.
  15. svtestbench write: Writes testbench files.
  16. svtestbench writetb <filename>: Writes a testbench using the specified file name.
  17. svtestbench add <filename>: Adds testbench files to the specified file name.
  18. svwdbinfo <wdbname> mc: Retrieves Monte Carlo parameter information from a waveform database.
  19. svwdbinfo <wdbname> wc [min|max|typ]: Retrieves Worst-case parameter information from a waveform database.
  20. svwdbinfo <wdbname> sens: Retrieves Sensitivity parameter information from a waveform database.
  21. svwdbinfo <wdbname> sweep: Retrieves Sweep parameter information from a waveform database.

The Command Line Interface in PADS AMS provides a powerful way to interact with the software and efficiently perform simulation tasks using text-based commands.

KB Article ID# KB000112848_EN_US



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