How can I copy Global Parameters from a model into another or into a Supercomponent?



This knowledge base article shows how you can export Global Parameters from a model and re-import them into another model or Supercomponent using the Save&Load features.


Inside a model you can directly copy&past Global Parameters but this action is not possible when you want to paste them into a different model or supercomponent. In order to do this you need to use save&load features instead of the copy&paste ones.

First right click on the Global Parameter Window from where you want to export the Global Parameters. You will see 2 options:
  • Save all: export all Global Parameters and Groups
  • Save selection: export only the pre-selected Global Parameter and/or Groups 
Doing this you will save the Global Parameters and Groups into a *.gpl file, which you can later import in the other model. 


Then go to the model, where you want to import these Global Parameters, and by right clicking on the Global Parameter Window use the load feature:

Select the previous exported file: 


And finally you will have imported the Global Parameters and Groups into the new model:


KB Article ID# KB000112006_EN_US



Associated Components