Siemens Connector FAQ on Running as Elevated/Admin



This article answers frequently asked questions or issues regarding Siemens Connector


  • I'm getting an error -- "Connector cannot be started" in a case where I'm not running the connector as an administrator. What are the possible user conditions (such as the admin group) when an error occurs?
A couple of ways the application can be configured to run as an administrator. 
1.  Explicitly run the application as administrator by right click and using "Run as Administrator"
2.  Defaulting the application to run as administrator.  This can be checked by right click on the Connector shortcut from the start menu -> More -> Open File Location.  Right-click Siemens Connector -> Properties -> Shortcut Tab -> Advanced.  Check if run as administrator is checked
3.  Disabling UAC controls system-wide in Windows
4.  If Connector is launched from another application such as NX and that application was running in elevated mode.
  • When I run it as a local general user, the login screen is displayed, but after clicking "Login", the following error occurs: "The Connector was unable to communicate with the server. Please check your internet connection or try again later." What is the cause?
This means there was a problem communicating between the user’s machine and the Siemens servers. There could be several reasons this could happen. The user is requested to share the crash logs from C:\Users\*userid*\AppData\Local\Temp\Siemens\ to investigate further.
  • Is there any case where this error is displayed except when running with administrator privileges? Given two use cases below:
User AUser B
Run as administrator
  • Does not start
  • Column "Elevated" = Yes
Click Connector in the Start menu
  • Does not start
  • Column "Elevated" = Yes
Run as administrator
  • Does not start
  • Column "Elevated" = Yes
Click Connector in the Start menu
  • Starts
  • Column "Elevated" = No
*Both users are administrators, Do you know the conditions that can be started even with administrator privileges?

We need to see if the Connector process is running as elevated. To check this, when Connector is still running open task manager and go to the details tab.  Then scroll and find SiemensConnector.exe in the list.  Check if the value for the column "Elevated" is set to yes or no. The elevated flag is what determines if Connector can run or not.

The only reason that would cause it is if the “Run as Administrator” settings were turned on for the connector (See screenshot below).

Also, please confirm, if from the two use cases you have mentioned, does Connector not start in both. And please capture and attach the diagnostic logs below:
Open Connector
Click on Help
Click on Diagnostic Logs and save the logs:

***There is a possibility to automatically elevate applications through the local security policy without prompting But, this setup is considered very insecure:

In case you find this setting, please contact your local IT.

KB Article ID# KB000111864_EN_US



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