Topology optimization of a Bridge Structure - Part 6: Postprocessing results



In this example the process of performing a topology optimization for a simple bridge structure will be illustrated. The objective is to minimize the mass of the bridge while keeping the deflection less than 1mm. This is a 7 parts tutorial that includes the following: 1. Geometry creation - simple bridge shape 2. Mesh the bridge geometry 3. Apply material properties 4. Apply Loads and constraints 5. Setup and Run the analysis 6. Postprocessing results 7. Animate the Topology optimization iterations


Part 6:  Postprocessing results

Step 23: Examine the Optimization Results
•Expand the Structural item in the Simulation Navigator 
•Expand the Loadcase Independent Results item in the Simulation Navigator
•Expand the final design cycle
•Double click on Normalized Material Density
•A contour of normalized material density will be displayed, which clearly shows the bridge design shape

Step 24: Normalized Material Density for Final Design Iterations


This completes Topology optimization of a Bridge Structure - Part 6: Postprocessing results
Please continue with Topology optimization of a Bridge Structure - Part 7: Animate the optimization iterations

KB Article ID# KB000111482_EN_US



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