Topology optimization of a Bridge Structure - Part 1: Geometry creation



In this example the process of performing a topology optimization for a simple bridge structure will be illustrated. The objective is to minimize the mass of the bridge while keeping the deflection less than 1mm. This is a 7 parts tutorial that includes the following: 1. Geometry creation - simple bridge shape 2. Mesh the bridge geometry 3. Apply material properties 4. Apply Loads and constraints 5. Setup and Run the analysis 6. Postprocessing results 7. Animate the Topology optimization iterations


Step 1: Create a Simcenter Part Model

•Launch a new session of Simcenter
•File > New
•In the window that appears, select Model from the list of Templates
•Set the Name to Bridge_Optimisation.prt
•Choose a suitable directory where the model will be saved.
Click OK

Step 2: Create the Bridge Volume

•Select Extrude
•Click on the XZ plane to start the creation of a sketch
•Draw the rectangle depicted below (10 000mm x 5 000mm) using the sketch tools
•Click finish     to exit the sketch
•Set the Start Extrude limit to 0mm and the End to 100mm
•Click OK

Step 3: Split the Volume Down the Middle

•Select Split Body image.png
•Select the body
•Set Tool Option to New Plane
•Click on the midpoint of the bottom edge of the volume
•Click OK

Step 4: Create the SIM and FEM

•File >  Pre/Post
•Click New FEM and Simulation button  image.png  (typically in the top left corner)
•The menu shown to the right should appear
•Uncheck the Create Idealized Part checkbox
Click OK

Step 5: Set the Solution Parameters for the Analysis

•The menu that appears allows various solution parameters to be set. Check that:
•Solver is NX Nastran
•Analysis Type is Structural
•Solution Type is SOL 200 Topology Optimization
•The default settings will suffice for this analysis. If necessary it is possible to modify these settings at a later stage in the model setup process
•Click OK
•Click OK in the Solution Step menu that appears. These setting will be adjusted later.

This completes Topology optimization of a Bridge Structure - Part 1: Geometry creation
Continue with Topology optimization of a Bridge Structure - Part 2: Mesh the bridge geometry ​​​​​​​

KB Article ID# KB000111477_EN_US



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