Axisymmetric Pressure Vessel Analysis in Simcenter 3D - Part 2: Mesh the pressure vessel model



In this article, a cylindrical pressure vessel will be analyzed using the axisymmetric analysis capability in Simcenter. It is Part 2 of 6 parts tutorial with the following steps: Part 1: Create pressure vessel geometry Part 2: Mesh the created pressure vessel model Part 3: Apply material properties Part 4: Apply boundary conditions Part 5: Create cylindrical coordinate system for the FEM Part 6: Analysis run and post processing


Part 2: Mesh the pressure vessel model created in Part 1 

Step 11: Create the Mesh

•Select the 2D Mapped  image.png  tool in the Mesh group of the Home tab tool ribbon
•Ensure that Type is set to CQUADX8
•Set Element Size to 3mm
•Select all surfaces
•Click OK

This completes Axisymmetric Pressure Vessel Analysis in Simcenter 3D - Part 2: Mesh the pressure vessel model
Please continue with Axisymmetric Pressure Vessel Analysis in Simcenter 3D - Part 3: Apply material properties

KB Article ID# KB000073780_EN_US



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