Dividing one output set with another (Femap)



Creating a new output vector, for the Von Mises stress quotient between two output sets.


Creating a new output vector, for the Von Mises stress quotient between two output sets. 

Create a New output Set (this is not needed, helps to organize output data)
Model->Output->Create/Manage Set…
                Create the New Output Set


Create the New Output Vector
                Create the new output vector (notice the vector is placed in the output set previously defined. It goes to the active output set.)
                Specify on elements and output type to stress.  

Fill the output vector with data
                Select elements to apply the output vector

Enter in function value
1 was added to the denominator to eliminate a divide by zero.


Returns an output data value. SetID defines the output set to be selected. VectorID selects an output vector in that set. EntityID is either the element ID or node ID (depending on the vector type) of the data to be selected. For example, VEC(2,1,33) returns the output value for node 33, in Output Set 2, Output Vector 1 (Total Translation).
ID Variable of i. Remember to use the variable in the equation. The i in this example is the element ids selected to fill.

KB Article ID# KB000072255_EN_US



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