How to Scale an Output result in Motion



This document will explain how to use the Single Math Function to apply a constant scale value to a Motion result.


Create a graph object of the desired result

In this example, the graph object is created on the torque from a joint driver.

The graph object now exists under the solution.

Save graph as AFU

The next step is to save the graph as an AFU data file.
Right click on the graph object and select Store.

This will open an explorer window from which you can save the afu file.

This afu file can be accessed via the XY Function Navigator

Use Single Math to scale result

From the Results tab, you can access the Single Math button

In the Function Single Math dialog, we need to add our function. Click on the function from the XY Function Navigator, then click on the Add button in the Function Single Math dialog.
Now that the function is available, we can use the Scale by Real operation.
Select the function, then the operation, then set the scale value.

A new function will be available in the XY Function Navigator. You can plot this and see the new result.
Here is a plot of the original and the scaled functions:


KB Article ID# KB000069323_EN_US



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