Prescan Amesim preconfigured dynamics + Path Follower




Starting from Prescan 2022.1 an Amesim model can be added to vehicle which has a trajectory (in the past was not possible).
WORKAROUND to use the Path Follower
1)In Prescan GUI add a vehicle the same as the vehicle with Amesim dynamics
2)Enable 2D dynamics and enable Path Follower
3)In Simulink regenerate the CS.
4)Copy the Path Follower from the 2D dynamics and paste it in the actor with Amesim dynamics
5)Connect inputs and outputs of the Path follower
6)Set the correct PathID in the Path Follower block -> use the getPathID.m function in the zip file. Usage:

pathID = getPathID(<vehicleName>)
7)Done! Now the Path Follower has all the parameters (mass,inertia,etc…) correctly filled and can be used with the Amesim dynamics. 
Note: if the user change the Amesim dynamics vehicle then he has to do the same steps as above.

KB Article ID# KB000065737_EN_US



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