The Legacy Motion Data Model can be temporarily used If there are problems with the New Data Model



If the Current Motion Teamcenter Data Model cannot be used, due to lack of deployment or File Template errors, the Legacy Data Model can be temporarily be used, then converted to the New Motion Data Model later.


Sometimes Motion File New Templates will not display, due to Teamcenter Configuration issues.  The Legacy Motion Data Model can be used to create Motion Sim files, then be converted to the New Data Model later.
1.  Start NX/Simcenter 3D in Managed Mode(Teamcenter Integration)
2.  Select File -> Utilities -> Customer Defaults.
3.   Expand Simulation -> Motion -> Pre Processor in the left Frame and Select the General Tab. 
       Check the same Checkboxes shown in the figure below, OK  and Restart NX/Simcenter 3D    image.png
If it is desired to have a subfolder  for the Motion Sim files, in native NX/Simcenter 3D,  then the “Use Subfolder for Motion Simulation Data on Master Part”  Checkbox can be checked.
4.To create a Legacy Motion Sim, you must RMB on the Master Part, in the Motion Navigator and select "New Legacy Simulation" option.image.png
Note that File New and the New Simulation Toolbar icon will only create the New type of Motion Sim, not the legacy Motion Sim.

The following Knowledgebase article demonstrates how to convert the legacy Motion Sim files to the New Data model:
000046642 - Migration of Simcenter Motion legacy data to new data model


KB Article ID# KB000065718_EN_US



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