For Simcenter Nastran SOL 159 Transient Heat Transfer Analysis How To Get Output At The Specified Time Steps?



For this Solution Sequence the output is by default NOT at the specified time steps. It's usually desirable to have the output at the specified time steps. This FAQ article explains how to do so.


On the Bulk Data TSTEPNL card the field for ADJUST should be modified from 5 default to 1.

This can be done in Simcenter 3D/NX as follows:

In the .SIM, in the Simulation Navigator, on the Solution, do RMB (Right Mouse Button) and Edit, then Case Control (tab), then Nonlinear Transient Parameters and Edit, then Time Step Skip Factor, modify from 5 to 1.

In Simcenter Femap, Model, Analysis, Edit, NASTRAN Step and Convergence Control (dialog box), Step Control, Constant Interval.

KB Article ID# KB000054048_EN_US



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