1. IssueUsing NX Motion or Simcenter 3D Motion. When in Animation Player,
Then, enter a name for the arrangement and hit OK
The following message displays: No valid component can be transformed into the arrangement
2. Root causeThe software is looking for the components consumed by Motion Bodies in order to transform them; at least one Motion Body needs to have an object type 'Component':
- Motion Bodies can include geometry type 'Component' and other types (for example CSYS defined in the Motion sim file)
- Component selection can be enforced by using Environment - Component-based Simulation; in that case only geometry type 'Component' is selectable for Motion Bodies, it's locking the selection filter on 'Component'
- No need to have all Motion Bodies defined with Component(s), just one at least. Note that the arrangement may not be what you want then.
- See below example
3. ExampleThe following Motion model with just 3 Motion Bodies (below).
The scope is to get an arrangement when the crank is rotated by 90 degrees, as below:
The best solution here when Motion Bodies all are defined with Component only. In that case, all Motion bodies have a small cube in the navigator icon (compare with the image above); also, selecting a Motion Body is also changing the color of its component(s) in the Assembly Navigator - see below picture. It's very easy to review.
As mentioned above, this is not the only solution. There could be other objects than Component in the Motion Bodies and in that case, the arrangement is fine while there is not the small cube display in the Motion navigator.
4. TipsSince version 2206, Motion Body dialog is displaying all its geometry in a tree. It's easy to check and edit if there are 'Component'. Otherwise, for previous 2206 release, use information on the Motion Body.
A typical issue is when there is the Solid Body from the Component as below:
While it should be the Component: