Simcenter 3D Solutions Pre-Stressed Modal Analysis of a Guitar String tutorial - Part 2/4 - Guitar string Geometry creation and setup SIM and FEM files

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In this tutorial, a simple simulation of a guitar string will be used to illustrate the process of performing a prestressed modal analysis in Simcenter 3D. This tutorial is divided into 4 parts: 1. Introduction and equation for hand calculation 2. Guitar string Geometry creation and setup SIM and FEM files 3. Mesh and assign material properties to Guitar string 4. Apply boundary conditions, solve and postprocess the model


In this tutorial, a simple simulation of a guitar string will be used to illustrate the process of performing a prestressed modal analysis in Simcenter 3D.
This tutorial is divided into 4 parts:
1. Introduction and equation for hand calculation
2. Guitar string Geometry creation and setup SIM and FEM files
3. Mesh and assign material properties to Guitar string
4. Apply boundary conditions, solve and postprocess the model

Please follow the introduction of this tutorial here:
Pre-Stressed Modal Analysis of a Guitar String tutorial - Part 1/4 - Background

Part 2: Guitar string Geometry creation and setup SIM and FEM files

Step 01: Create a Simcenter Part Model


Launch a new session of Simcenter

•File > New

•In the window that appears, select Model from the list of Templates

•Set the Name to Guitar_String.prt

•Choose a suitable directory where the model will be saved

Click OK

Step 02: Create the String Geometry


•Select Sketch
•Click on the XY plane to start the creation of a sketch
•Draw a line starting at the origin and extending 647.7m in the x direction
•Click finish  image.png   to exit the sketch

Step 03: Create the SIM and FEM

•File > Pre/Post
•Click New FEM and Simulation button image.png  (typically in the top left corner)
•The menu shown to the right should appear
•The Create Idealized Part checkbox can be unchecked because no geometry clean-up is required
•Click on Geometry Options and then ensure that the Lines checkbox is checked
•Click OK and OK again

Step 04: Set the Solution Parameters for the Analysis

•The menu that appears allows various solution parameters to be set. Check that:
•Solver is Simcenter Nastran
•Analysis Type is Structural
•Solution Type is SOL 103 Real Eigenvalues
•The default settings will suffice for this analysis. If necessary, it is possible to modify these settings at a later stage in the model setup process
•Click OK
•In the Solution Step menu that appears, click OK

Please follow Part 3: Mesh and assign material properties to Guitar string

KB Article ID# KB000053869_EN_US



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